Monday, February 15, 2010

Ap Bio Lab 5 Cellular Respiration Answers Ap Bio- Cellular Respiration Lab?

Ap bio- cellular respiration lab? - ap bio lab 5 cellular respiration answers

AP Bio Lab in cell respiration produced for each laboratory and a laboratory, before we do it. I'm not totally stopped at this point is deff Zellatmung my thing = / So if someone could help me answer all these questions would be amazing =]

1) Write the equation for the complete oxidation of glucose.

2) give the ratio of moles of O2 consumption: CO2. What does change the volume, which would be observed if the peas in a locked glass?

3) How are you able to measure the amount of oxygen gas used for? Write an equation to explain and

4) What exactly is the subject of the respirometer, the only glass beads?

5) When comparing the oxygen consumption predicted dry cons seed germination and resultsor wait, and why?

6) The ambient temperature is approximately 21-23 ° C. If one compares the consumption of oxygen in the temperature of the bath tub with cold water What are the expectations? and why?


dan the man said...

First, the plants (which are required to use) consume CO2 and produce O2. but the wrong answers, write have done.

1. C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy

2. The volume does not change, because the amount of O2 consumed is equal to the amount of CO2 produced.

3. Respirometer measures.

4. The glass beads will not submit to the breath. These glass beads in the respirometer is used as a control, where there are no changes in the concentrations of O2 and CO2.

5. The germination of seeds consumed more O2 than dry seeds, because seeds are dry on breathing.

6. The use of O2 at room temperature is higher than the consumption of O2 in the cold water bath. This is the BECAUSE cooler temperatures slow the metabolism of cells and slow respiration and O2 consumption.

Hope this helps

alias3r said...

1) C6H12O6 + 6O2 => 6 CO2 + 6:20 + 686 of Enery / mol glucose oxidized kilocaries

I know, but my cell respiration lab is due tomorrow and 1:00, so I do not have time to answer the rest: (

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