Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Much Apple Juice How Much Apple Juice = A Medium Apple?

How much apple juice = a medium apple? - how much apple juice

Ask how many ounces of apple juice provide the same vitamins and minerals such as eating an apple. I think it is a good way to avoid "negative calorie" thing.


Paul said...

Raw apple juice is added sugars in the body. You need to take a set that, to get the nutritional value of an apple. Only eat the apple. The people think that fruit juice is so good for them, but not because he fruit fiber sources.

Megan said...

Ummm, you do not receive the majority of vitamins or apple juice and apples. For all the juice, the processing and all that was probably less than 1 litter / 2 block of the vitamins necessary to start ... to eat a medium apple with a glass of water ... that, like apple juice.

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